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illustration of a woman Sitting with demon. The 108 Monsters Within

108 Monsters Within

I here present the defined aspects of the 108 Monsters Within, the outlined 108 aspects of ego.

Some of the 108 defined here have more information than the others. Some were just easier to define, being more common. Some, frankly, I have spent more time working on personally. Some others are a little more obscure, and I have not yet—as of this writing—worked through all of these myself. Work in progress, let us say...

Note: Virtues are listed at the end of each of the 108 states of ego/defilements. I wanted to touch on them here, but the Karmatic Diet, the Golden Kingdom book of this series will have additional tools and present a moral compass from light to dark.

108 A-Z

Abuse, Acedia, Addiction/Dependance, Aggression, Ambition, Anger, Arrogance, Baseness, Blasphemy, Callousness, Capriciousness, Censoriousness, Contempt, Cruelty, Cursing, Debasement, Deceit, Deception, Delusion, Derision, Desiderium, Desire for Fame, Discord, Disrespect/Disrespectfulness, Dissatisfaction, Dogmatism, Dominance, Eagerness for Power, Effrontery, Egoism, Envy/Enviousness, Excessiveness, Faithlessness, Falseness, Furtiveness, Gambling, Garrulity, Gaudium, Gluttony, Greed, Grudge, Hard-heartedness, Hate/Hatred, Haughtiness, High-handedness, Hostility, Humiliation, Hurt, Hypocrisy, Ignorance, Imperiousness, Imposture, Impudence, Inattentiveness, Indifference, Ingratitude, Insatiability, Insidiousness, Intolerance, Intransigence, Irresponsibility, Jealousy, Know-it-all, Lack of Comprehension, Lecherousness, Lust, Lying, Malignancy, Manipulation, Masochism, Mercilessness, Miserliness, Negativity, Obsession, Obstinance, Oppression, Ostentatiousness,  Pessimism, Prejudice, Presumptuousness, Pretense, Pride, Prodigality, Quarrelsomeness, Rage, Rapacity, Ridicule, Sadism, Sarcasm, Scheming, Seducement/Seduction, Self Denial, Self-Hatred, Sensuousness, Shamelessness/Conscienceless, Sloth, Stubbornness, Tormenting, Tyranny, Unconscientiousness, Unkindness, Unruliness/Incontinence, Unyielding, Vanity, Vindictiveness, Violence, Violent Temper, Wrath.

Scroll down for definitions

108 demon anger, abuse. Illutration of man possessed by demon yeliing demon darts at woman


Abuse is the act, trait, or improper treatment of someone or something, inflicting adverse effects with a harmful purpose or mistreating a living thing with cruelty or violence to cause damage or harm.

There are many forms of abuse such as: mental/psychological; spiritual; verbal; emotional; physical; sexual; financial/economic; cultural/identity; self-neglect; self-harm; social; animal; ecological; power; etc. This includes any maltreatment, injury, assault, violation, rape, defamation, suppression, unjust practices, crimes, or other types of aggression.

Abuse and kindness are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue – Kindness.




Acedia is spiritual slothfulness or an act of spiritual lethargy. This is neglecting to take care of responsibilities that one knows should be done, such as evolving and refining the spirit.

Acedia is about being disconnected, disconnected from the world around us, from the nature that sustains us, from each other, in a lack of feeling toward the world, for the people in it or for the self, thus making one disconnected from the Holy.

Acedia is an intentional blinding of oneself from spirit, moral compass, intuition, etc. including ceasing to utilize the gifts of wisdom, understanding, knowledge, piety, fortitude and willpower.

Acedia and fortitude are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue – Fortitude.



Addiction/dependence can be characterized by compulsive engagement in rewarding stimuli despite adverse consequences accompanied by intermittent bouts of craving. Addiction is the habitual or compulsive use of a substance, substances or performance of a behavior that may be, but is not always, independent of withdrawal.
Examples of addiction/dependence can be triggered from and include any addiction to the senses and emotional states, including but not limited to alcoholism, dipsomania, substance addiction, plant medicine, amphetamine, cocaine, nicotine, opioid, food, video game, gambling, sexual, codependency.

An additional ego-defiling aspect of addiction/dependency is that of ‘time’. An example of addiction/dependence to time: engaged in a cycle of living in the past or future in the labyrinth of thought. The constant desire to be somewhere else, never satisfied in the moment. A longing desire to be at or away from locations due to the FOMO (fear of missing out) or thinking the next location will be better in a ceaseless cycle.

Addiction/dependence and temperance/connection are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue – Temperance and Connection.




Aggression is overt or suppressed hostility, either innate or resulting from continued frustration and directed outward or turned against oneself.

Not to be confused with assertiveness. One can be assertive and strong-willed without being aggressive.

Aggression can take a variety of forms, either expressed directly or indirectly or expressed physically or communicated verbally or non-verbally.

There are two main subtypes of aggression as defilements:
1) Purposeful or goal oriented.
2) Reactive-impulsive.

Aggression and tenderness are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.

Virtue – Tenderness.



The defiling ego aspect of ambition is the intense desire to achieve something, such as the driving desire for rank, fame, status, or power to the point that you become attached to it, often to a point where you or others suffer. Materials have become the driving force when one is always reaching and never satisfied with what one has achieved or already has in life.

The ego-defiling aspect of ambition is beyond the determination to achieve success. The determination to achieve success and internal drive to accomplish goals can be a virtue. Grit, in contrast to ambition, is not associated with external recognition for achievements.

Ambition and drive are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue - Drive = Perseverance/Persistence.

We cannot seek achievement for ourselves and forget about progress and prosperity for our community... Our ambitions must be broad enough to include the aspirations and needs of others, for their sakes and for our own.[101]
~Cesar Chavez

A man’s worth is no greater than his ambitions.[102]
~ Marcus Aurelius.


Anger is the engagement of an emotional state involving a strong uncomfortable hostile response, often developed from a strong feeling of displeasure or annoyance to a perceived provocation. This is a state of belligerence stimulated by a real or supposed wrongdoing.

Anger is commonly expressed in response from bottled emotions to irritating, unpleasant, threatening situations. Anger is also expressed as irritability.

Anger expression can come in multiple forms, some of which are passive anger, aggressive anger, and assertive anger. These three types of anger have some characteristic symptoms including but not limited to:

Passive anger
Passive anger can be expressed in the following ways:
Dispassion - Giving someone the cold shoulder or a fake smile, looking unconcerned or ‘sitting on the fence’ while others sort things out, dampening feelings with substance abuse, overreacting, oversleeping, frigidity, indulging in sexual practices that depress spontaneity and make objects of participants, objects or intellectual pursuits, talking of frustrations but showing no feeling, giving inordinate
amounts of time to machines.
- Evasiveness - Turning your back in a crisis, avoiding conflict, allowing yourself to be bulldozed, becoming phobic.
Defeatism - Setting yourself and others up for failure, choosing unreliable people to depend on, being accident prone, underachieving, sexual impotence, expressing frustration at insignificant things but ignoring serious ones.
- Obsessive Behavior - Needing to be inordinately clean and tidy, making a habit of constantly checking things, over-dieting or overeating, demanding that all jobs be done perfectly.
- Psychological Manipulation - Provoking people to aggression and then patronizing them, provoking aggression but staying on the sidelines, emotional blackmail, false tearfulness, feigning illness, sabotaging relationships, using sexual provocation, using a third party to convey negative feelings, withholding money or resources.
- Secretive Behavior - Stockpiling resentments expressed behind people’s backs, giving the silent treatment or under-the-breath mutterings, avoiding eye contact, putting people down, gossiping, anonymous complaints, tracking and surveilling, poison pen letters, stealing and conning.
- Self-blame - Apologizing too often, being overly critical, inviting criticism, attribution of blame to factors of the self that are uncontrollable or unrelatable.
Aggressive anger
The symptoms of aggressive anger are:
- Bullying - Threatening people directly, persecuting, insulting, pushing or shoving, using power to oppress, shouting, driving someone off the road, playing on people’s weaknesses. And a sign of the times: persistent online harassment.
- Destruction - Destroying objects as in vandalism, harming animals, child abuse, destroying a relationship, reckless driving, substance abuse.
- Grandiosity - Showing off, expressing mistrust, not delegating, being a sore loser, wanting center stage all the time, not listening, talking over people’s heads, expecting an apology (kiss and makeup) to solve problems.
- Hurtfulness - Violence, including sexual abuse and rape, verbal abuse, biased or vulgar jokes, breaking confidence, using foul language, ignoring people’s feelings, willfully discriminating, blaming, punishing people for unwarranted deeds, labeling others.
- Risk-taking Behavior - Speaking too fast, walking too fast, driving too fast, reckless spending.
- Selfishness - Ignoring others’ needs, not responding to requests for help, queue jumping.
- Threats - Frightening people by saying how you could harm them, their loved ones, property or prospects, finger-pointing, fist-shaking, wearing clothes or symbols associated with violent behavior, tailgating, deliberately passing a place where someone fears you, excessively blowing a car horn, slamming doors.
- Unjust Blaming - Accusing other people for your own mistakes, blaming people for your own feelings, making general accusations.
- Unpredictability - Explosive rages over minor frustrations, attacking indiscriminately, dispensing unjust punishment, inflicting harm on others for the sake of it, illogical arguments.
- Vengeance - Being punitive. This differs from retributive justice, as vengeance is personal.

Assertive anger

- Blame - After a particular individual commits an action possibly frowned upon, the particular person may resort to scolding and finger- pointing.
- Punishment - The angry person punishing an individual based on the assertion they did something that was angering.
- Sternness – calling out a person on their behavior, with their voices raised with utter disapproval/disappointment. [103]

Some say anger can be beneficial as it gives rise to self-preservation; this is the ego working to vindicate itself, as the main types of preservation are physical preservation, mental preservation and preservation of the ego. None of these examples are assisted by anger except the ego.

Anger, as some may mistake, does not assist in self-preservation, but instead leads to a lack of concentration or clouded thinking. Anger causes loss of focus and deteriorates performance, debunking the theory that anger assists in self-preservation. Anger is an unbeneficial defiling emotion that only feeds ego. There is no justifiable anger or righteous indignation.

Anger and gentleness are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue – Gentleness.

Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured.[104]
~ Lucius Annaeus Seneca of the Younger, 4BC - AD 65




Arrogance is to think, speak or act in brazen superiority or in a sheer outrageously self-centered manner. The demeanor of egotistical superiority expressed in presumptuous actions or exaggerated claims.

Arrogance and humility are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue – Humility.

Once, several men were crossing the river in a boat. One
of them, a pundit (temple priest), was making a great display
of his erudition, saying that he had studied various books
- the Vedas, the Vedanta, and the six systems of philosophy.
He asked a fellow passengers and boat man,
Pundit: ‘Do you know the Vedanta?’
Boatman: ‘No, revered sir.’
Pundit: ‘It means half your life is a waste... Did you read even
The Samkhya and the Patanjala?’
Boatman: ‘No, revered sir.’
Pundit: What is your life then, did you go to school even ?
Boatman: ‘No, revered sir.’
Pundit: ‘It means your left-over quarter life is also a waste. Do
you know how to read and write even?’
Boatman: ‘No sir.’
Pundit: ‘Huh, your whole life is a waste.’
The pundit was talking in this vain way and the passenger sitting in silence, when a great storm arose, and the boat was about to sink.
Boatman: ‘Sir, can you swim?
Pundit: ‘No,’ replied the pundit.
Boatman: ‘I don’t know the Samkhya or the Patanjala, but I can
The pundit began pleading to save him.
The boatman saved him and said: ‘Though my life is a waste, I can save life by my skills.’
What will a man gain by knowing many scriptures? The one thing needful is to know how to cross the river of the world. God alone is real, and all else is illusory. [105]
~ Om Sao

Illustration of mirrored by actions 108 monsters within

The physical body is simply a vessel of spirit and consciousness. The demons you must face reflect the state of being. You choose whether you allow the demons or Christ state to drive. In this illustration, the demons have taken possession, veiled by a host body, mirrored by actions.



Baseness is being unaccountable, lacking in integrity and character, morally low, weak in spirit, meek. Baseness is a state of depravity where one is beneath virtue, living outside of moral compass and intuition.

Baseness and virtuousness/morality are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue - Virtuousness/Morality.

The word ‘meek’ has become convoluted, and many people think that the old world meaning of meek is humble, pious, or strong in spirit. It is not! The meaning has been changed in recent times to lead the flock astray. This is an important note as the perception of this word affects how one may interpret doctrines of old.
Follow me on a tour of the word to assist in clarification.

Meek - mek’-nes (`anawah; praotes, prautes): The Hebrew word translated meek (anaw) means: ‘wretched, impoverished, oppressed, in need, bowed over’.
Meekness in Sanskrit निर्विण्णचेतस् nirviNNacetas is translated to: depressed in mind.
Meekness in the Old Testament (`anawah, `anwah) is from `anaw, ‘suffering,’ ‘oppressed,’ ‘afflicted,’ denoting the spirit produced under such experiences. Submissive, despirited, or of broken will. The word is sometimes translated ‘poor’, the interchangeableness of ‘meek’ with ‘poor,’ as in poor of spirit for they are weak in will.

The Old Testament ought to be specially noted. In Jesus’s opening of his ministry at Nazareth, (Luke 4:18, ‘He anointed me to preach good tidings to the poor’.) This use of the word poor here is not speaking on monetary wealth, it is in reference to the poor in spirit.

The definition of meekness has changed from the Old Testament from poor or weak in spirit, to in the New Testament when the word meek was redefined to make it a virtue. I use meek in the Old Testament definition as well as the Old English definition, as that is how the word was meant to be used until it was manipulated to lead followers astray from truth! Anyone who researches this word will find contradicting definitions.

Merriam Webster dictionary, as well as many other dictionaries, do, however, still have meek defined as: deficient in spirit and courage, making the adjective meek describe a person who is willing to go along with whatever other people want to do.

The tyrant, who in order to hold his power, suppresses every superiority, does away with good men, forbids education and light, controls every movement of the citizens and, keeping them under a perpetual servitude, wants them to grow accustomed to baseness and cowardice, has his spies everywhere to listen to what is said in the meetings, and spreads dissension and calumny among the citizens and impoverishes them, is obliged to make war in order to keep his subjects occupied and impose on them permanent need of a chief. [106]
~ Aristotle



Blasphemy is profane speech or action, such as in an abhorrent declaration, denouncement, insult, loathing, or contempt concerning the Source of creation, God, gods, or sacred entities.

Disrespectful behavior or insidious speech toward things held sacred, such as creation and life. Blasphemy is also to speak of evil and evil things in high regard and influence others to stumble on their path.

Blasphemy and reverence are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue – Reverence.




Callousness is an indifferent and cruel disregard for others, a hardheartedness, a hardening from experiences making one pessimistic, detached, insensitive, uncompassionate, or unsympathetic.

Callousness and compassion are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue – Compassion.


For this people’s heart has grown callous, their ears are dull of hearing, they have closed their eyes; or else perhaps they might perceive with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their heart, and should turn from their ways; and I would heal them. [107]
~ Acts 28:27




Capriciousness is reactionary behavior, allowing yourself to be controlled by your sudden, unpredictable impulses from whim, rather than from reason or judgment.

Being reactive to emotional and sensational experiences falls under capriciousness, making it so internal workings such as Ānāpānasati (mindfulness breathing), vipassana (body scanning for self-observation, pranayama (breathwork) and pratyahara (dissolving or withdrawal of the senses) become a path to dissolving these aspects of ego as witnessing, reflection and willful action are insufficient.

Capriciousness and restraint are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue – Restraint.




Censoriousness is being severely critical of others, pointing out errors and flaws in others, finding fault in everything. It is expressing judgment involving condemnation.

The things that we point out in others are often things we dislike in ourselves, this reflection being aspects of ego we need to address and dissolve.

It is not our job when witnessing wrong ‘evil deeds’ to judge or condemn, but to witness and practice equanimity to the experience.

Censoriousness and understanding are at opposite ends of a polarity
Virtue – Understanding.




Contempt means having judgmental attitudes and behavior that an individual, group, ideology views or preferences are beneath consideration, worthless or deserving scorn.
It is a defiling action to be in contempt even to that which is perceived to be unethical, immoral or morally unsavory. Remember in compassion that others have free will and are on their own path, so judgmental contempt only defiles the expressor.

It is not our job when witnessing wrong ‘evil deeds’ to judge or condemn but to witness and be equanimous to the experience. We can accomplish this through expressing altruism and avoiding judgment.

Contempt and tolerance are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue – Tolerance.


Cruelty is the action of being cruel, intentional inflicting of physical or mental distress such as an unkind act or even remark that causes pain or suffering with an unfeeling disregard or pleasure in witnessing the suffering to another living thing or oneself. The inaction toward another’s suffering when a clear solution is readily available.

Cruelty and compassion are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue – Compassion.





Cursing is casting out ill will toward another or oneself, as well as to invoke, cast, spell or weave to condemn, torment or inflict loss. Cursing can be as simple as uttering offensive words in anger or annoyance or purposeful action to call upon (invoke) divine, demonic or some other supernatural power to send injury upon, wish, pray or conduct ritual for inflicted evil, affliction and torment. To will harm or misfortune upon someone or a family line.

Cursing can be as simple as the use of the word ‘damn’, as it carries the weight of a curse, as the word itself translates to condemn to Hell, to place a curse upon a person or object.
Thought is magick and carries weight, and as thought is energy and is the seed of creation, so is cursing one inwardly still cursing, therefore, defiling.

Cursing and piety are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue – Piety.




Debasement is a thought, speech, or act that causes deterioration or lowering in quality of self-character, whether a loss of position, worth, value, or dignity.

It means humiliating the self to the point of lowering character or status.
Negative self-talk is the debasement of oneself.

Debasement and self-appreciation are at opposite ends of a polarity
Virtue – Humility.

The inartistic methods that we use to blunt anxiety, and
unartful expedients that we resort to in order to escape pain and
numb banality reveals what we dread most, the act of suffering
from a mortal loss or the debasement that we earn by wallowing
in our decadent acts of escapism.[108]
~ Kilroy J. Oldster



Deceit is the intent to mislead someone by concealing or misrepresenting the truth in a fraudulent representation of a material fact made with knowledge of its inaccuracy or to direct toward a wrong conclusion, as in half-truths or obfuscation. This usually occurs with the intent to induce reliance on it with an ulterior motive in mind.

We often lump deceit and deception together, though they are separate defilements.

The difference between ‘deceit’ and ‘deception’:
A falsehood with intent is deception. Deception with intent, is deceit.

Deceit and honesty are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue – Honesty.



Deception is the accomplishment of purposeful misguidance or misdirection, propagating a belief that is not true or not the whole truth, as well as working through distraction, sleight of hand, camouflage, concealment, propaganda, or dissimulation.

There is also self-deception, mystification, ruse, or subterfuge.

Deception is also the concealment of wrongdoing in current action or reaction, though as a result of preservation of a past-tense defiling action or reaction, such as deceit.

Deception and honesty are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue – Honesty.





Delusion is self-deception, an inability to distinguish between what is truth and what seems to be the truth, becoming a false-held belief or impression despite strong evidence against it.
Delusion is also the state of being deluded, such as a false belief of separateness in the view of self being independent of the larger singularity. The view of self and what pertains to self, such as the delusion of identifying with ego, sensations, emotion, or the physical body as the true self.

Delusion and awareness are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue – Awareness.




Derision is treating someone with ridicule, mockery, or scorn. Derision includes words or actions intended to evoke contemptuous laughter, such as laughing at someone or treating a person as a joke.

Treating yourself in this fashion is debasement.
Derision and a gentle tongue are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue - A Gentle Tongue.

Nor shall derision prove powerful against those who listen to humanity or those who follow in the footsteps of divinity, for they shall live forever. Forever.[109]
~ Khalil Gibran

Illustration of a demon over a woman that is daydreaming of man being hit by bus.



Desiderium - The desire for or pleasure taken in wicked (defiling) thought or imagination with or without desiring it, an efficacious desire, one that includes the deliberate intention to realize or gratify the desire. This has the same defiling aspect as the action which it has in view.

Defiling actions may be committed not only by outward deeds but also by the inner activity of the mind, apart from any external manifestation—that which you create into the world.


An example is daydreaming about someone you wish harm to harm, thinking or wishing that someone would get hit by a bus.

Desiderium and purity of mind are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue – Purity of mind.



Desire for Fame

The desire for fame is a longing to be widely known, recognized, renowned or famous to strangers as well as popularity in social circles.

The desire for fame and humility are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue – Humility.



Discord is an intrinsic or essential lack of harmony, inciting quarreling or antagonism, creating bitterness and enmity within self or among animals, in a person, among people in a group, or even a society.

Discord and unity are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue – Unity.



Disrespect, the opposite of respect, is a present act of lack of regard, respect or courtesy, by acting rude, impolite, and offensive. Examples of this are insults, putting someone down, treating someone poorly, displaying to a person that they mean little to nothing to you. That of a hurtful act both rude and ignorant toward another person or living entity such as the planet or an animal.

Disrespectfulness is holding the state or quality of being disrespectful as a character trait, keeping and treating others in low regard and esteem, with a general lack of courtesy and disregard. A rude and discourteous disposition.

Disrespectfulness and respectfulness are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue – Respectfulness.





Dissatisfaction is the state of discontent. Dissatisfaction is a dislike or displeasure to a sense, emotion, place or experience.
Dissatisfaction is a result of contemplating what falls short of your desires or expectations from that of emotional or sensational dislike, displeasure or disappointment.

Dissatisfaction and contentment are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue – Contentment.


Dogmatism is a relatively closed cognitive system of beliefs and misbeliefs about reality or absolute authority, in turn, acting in a positiveness or often unwarranted arrogant assertion of views or system of ideas. These ideas are often based on inadequately examined premises, with the tendency to lay down those principles, opinions, or beliefs as incontrovertibly true without consideration and often with disregard of evidence or the opinions of others.

When a person holds onto a view or set of viewpoints with no viable compromise, this becomes an intellectualized and abstract organized form of resistance to change. Also, dogmatism provides a framework for patterns of intolerance and qualified tolerance toward others.

Dogmatism and Tolerance are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue - Tolerance/Openness.




Dominance is a disposition of an individual to assert control in dealing with others or animals from a prevailing or overbearing position, holding power of forced control over others’ increasing iniquity.

Dominance and gentleness are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue – Gentleness.



Eagerness for Power


Eagerness for power is the desire and drive to hold a position of power and influence or control over people, situations, and even nature for your personal gain. This often occurs when one does whatever it takes to achieve power, rather than working unselfishly.
A desire for power is a desire for control, whether social, contractual, or personal.

Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.[110]
~ Robert G. Ingersoll

In this excerpt, it brings into focus the difference between current global societal standards and that based in spiritualism. Termed as metaphysical practices, they are often the harmonious practices with nature, rather than the quest for control over it. Science is not the demon. The quest to use science to replace connection, symbiotic relations and harmony with nature are. There are many forms in quest or desire of power.

“Magickal” in this sense is a term that covers those methods by which nomadic and agricultural populations all over the world have always regulated their lives, as contrasted with ‘scientific’ methods, on which industrial societies are based. The basic difference in their approach is that magick aims at producing harmony with the cosmos, whereas science increases our control over nature. [111]
~ Conze, 1975

Eagerness for power and altruism are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue – Altruism.





Effrontery is an action of shameless rudeness. To act insolently, without shame in an audacious and arrogant self-centered manner, including insolent disregard of propriety or courtesy.

Effrontery extends to a present action or that of character development of rudeness at any extreme without any ability to recognize that the behavior is not acceptable to other people or crosses social or personal boundaries.

As an example:
When your hand is in the proverbial cookie jar and you lie, saying it is not, in other words shamelessly lying even when caught red-handed. Or making rude or lewd comments or crossing boundaries in other fashions with no regard.

Effrontery and respect are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue – Respect.

Illustration of mirriored states of ego, 108 monsters within



Ego, the Latin word for ‘I’, an ‘independent self ’.
Egoism is the engagement and identification with aspects of independent self that treat your self-interest as the foundation of morality, while solely acting on your earthly desires. Often, these desires are restricted to self-regarding with the habit of valuing everything
only about your interest with one ultimate aim, your own welfare, or the stability of any of the 108 aspects of ego. Therefore, living outside the harmony of altruism and equanimity.

Egotism and altruism are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue – Altruism.



Envy is an emotion aroused by a thing, or another’s qualities, achievement, luck, or possessions; one desires what the other has or wishes that the other lacked it. This is often accompanied by a feeling of discontent or resentful longing.

Enviousness is expressing envy in action through a resentful disposition in present or future behaviors. Enviousness also encompasses working to make another engage in the state of envy or jealousy.

Enviousness and jealousy are similar in that they both feel envy toward another’s traits, status, abilities, or rewards.

The difference between the two is that the envious also desire the object and covet it.

Enviousness and gratitude are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue – Gratitude.





Excessiveness is engaging in any thought, word or deed more than necessary or appropriate. It is characterized by overindulgence and even hoarding. It can mean being stuck in the labyrinth of your mind, excessively dwelling on the past or future.

Excessiveness and self-indulgence go hand and hand. For example, consumerism and the pursuit of material goods can leave one craving for more.

Excessiveness and frugality are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue – Frugality.





Faithlessness is the act of breaking a bond or trust, including a failure to keep a promise, oath, or pledge. A failing to be true in any manner ranging from fickleness to treachery. The disposition of an untrustworthy or disloyal character to others or oneself. This applies to a pledge of truth from the higher self, and when not in a harmony of living in truth through thought, word, or action, making one faithless.

The aspects of ego have often been referred to as bonds, making it so that faithlessness also applies to the state of living in ego, blind from the act of living by and being loyal to the illusions of the 108 aspects of ego, emotions, and senses, against loyalty and confidence in your higher potential.

Faithlessness and faithfulness/fidelity are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue – Faithfulness/Fidelity/Reverence.






Falseness is to live and speak outside of truth, with others or ourselves, uttering or declaring what is untrue from the little white lie to being a compulsive liar. Falseness also covers believing the delusions as truth.

By cultivating the Contemplation of the Truth of Falseness, one attains the Wisdom of the Way.[112]
~ Lotus Sutra

Separation from falseness, such as the 108 aspects of ego, leads to liberation from suffering.

Falseness and truthfulness are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue – Truthfulness.





Furtiveness is the action or disposition of being sly and stealthy and doing things with surreptitious sneakiness. Secretiveness in your activities or purposes to avoid notice or attention. This is typically in the belief that discovery would lead to trouble.

Furtiveness additionally applies to a lack of openness from a closed off disposition, whether in present action or as a developed character trait.

Furtiveness and openness are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue – Openness.






Gambling is the act of or engagement in games of chance, taking risky action, wagering of money or something of value for reward, often but not limited to winning money or material goods.

Gambling is an igniter and fuels multiple aspects of the 108 in self and others. This not only puts one at risk but also inspires by attracting others into defiling actions of ego. The act of gambling inspires heedlessness and is defiling to one’s soul through seduction of the action, often inspiring the most vulnerable to states of ego, when restraint would protect them, thereby assisting collective virtue.

Gambling and protection are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue - Protection.





Garrulity is the act or habit of tediously talking about trivial matters or rambling on in a roundabout manner, especially about unimportant things. This includes the act of listening to respond, rather than listening to understand.

Garrulity and silence are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue – Silence.





Gaudium - Finding joy in dwelling with satisfaction, smugness, or complacency on sins already committed. Defiling actions may be committed not only by outward deeds but also by the inner activity of the mind, apart from any external manifestation.

Gaudium and mental tranquility are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue- Mental tranquility.

illustration of a gluttony demon possessing a person. 108 monsters within



Gluttony is the act of over-indulgence and over-consumption of food or drink, to the point of waste, consuming more than is healthy with a lack of self-restraint.
At a more extreme level of gluttony, one may have a limitless appetite for food and drink to the point where one is no longer just eating just to live, but living to eat. This excessive desire for food can cause it to be kept from the needy, placing concern over your impulses or interests above the well-being or interests of others, thus, engaging additional aspects of ego.

Gluttony and temperance are at opposite ends of a polarity thread
Virtue - Temperance/Moderation.

Greed demon puppeteering a man


Greed is an artificial, rapacious desire and pursuit of material possessions, involving the inordinate or insatiable longing for unneeded excess, especially for status, power, property, or food far beyond needs.

Greed seeds the hoarding of materials or objects as well as theft, robbery, violence, trickery, abuse, abuse of power, etc.

Greed and generosity/charity are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue - Generosity/Charity.





To grudge or be in a state of animosity is to have a strong dislike, even anger, with the ill-willed desire to get even or see another experience pain, distress and injury. Enmity that displays itself in thought, word, or deed.
Additionally, to grudge is to be resentful or unwilling to give, grant, or allow something from whatever prejudice one may hold.

Grudge and forgiveness are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue – Forgiveness.





Hard-heartedness is to become ‘heartless’ with a hardening of the heart developed from giving in, allowing defilements such as to be unsympathetic, hard, cold, cruel, indifferent, insensitive, callous, unkind, inhumane, merciless, intolerant, uncaring, pitiless, unfeeling,
unforgiving, to rule your character.

Hard-heartedness and compassion are at opposite ends of a polarity
Virtue – Compassion.





Hate or hatred is deep and extreme emotion of dislike or displeasure, distaste, or disgust. Hate is often directed toward individuals, groups, entities, objects, behaviors, or ideas.
Hate is a present action that is often but not always reactionary, while hatred is a state of being with a drive to maintain the emotional state of hate, often correlating with feelings of anger, disgust, and a disposition toward hostility.

Hatred or hate of self is listed under self-hate.

Hate and indifference are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue – Equanimity.



Haughtiness is an overbearing pride shown in a superior manner toward perceived inferiors from an assumed loftiness. Thinking a lot of ourselves, displaying unfriendly behavior in a supercilious manner by showing an exaggerated sense of self-importance, often exposed in the making of excessive or unjustified claims.

A state of being disdainfully proud, snobbish, supercilious, scornfully arrogant, etc.

Haughtiness and humility are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue – Humility.





High-handedness is using power or authority more forcefully than is needed, conducting ourselves in an overbearing or domineering manner with no regard for the rights, concerns or feelings of others.

High-handedness is often accompanied by an arbitrary, dictatorial, arrogant, overbearing pride evidenced by a superior manner toward perceived inferiors.

High-handedness and fair-mindedness/impartiality are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue - Fair-mindedness/Impartiality.




Hostility is the act, state, condition, or attitude of open or concealed emotionally charged behavior in resistance or opposition to another, others, groups, places, ideas, ideals, beliefs, views, differences, in enmity. It shows itself in attacks or aggression.

Acts of war are acts of hostility.

Hostility and peacefulness/gentleness are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue - Peacefulness/Gentleness.





Humiliation is the abasement of pride or self-esteem, which creates shame and embarrassment.
An act that reduces someone to a lower position in your own eyes or others’ eyes. To make someone feel ashamed or lose respect for themselves.

The humiliation of self to the point of lowering character or status is debasement.

Humiliation and esteem are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue – Esteem.





Hurt is the act of inflicting on someone or something emotional or physical distress, grief, anguish, pain, damage, breach, bodily injury, or sickness. This occurs regardless of whether the perception of merit is warranted.

Hurt and heal are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue - Abstention from Injury.





Hypocrisy is the creation of a false appearance of goodness or virtue while concealing real character traits or inclinations, especially concerning religious and moral beliefs. Hypocrisy involves dishonesty, pretense, or fakery.

The practice of professing beliefs, feelings, standards or virtues that one does not hold or possess, failing to follow your own expressed moral rules and principles in a false presentation contrary to your real character and actual behavior. The practice of engaging in the same behavior or activity for which one criticizes another.

Every individual needs revolution, inner division, overthrow of the existing order, and renewal, but not by forcing them upon his neighbors under the hypocritical cloak of Christian love or the sense of social responsibility or any of the other beautiful euphemisms for unconscious urges to personal power. It is under all circumstances an advantage to be in full possession of one’s personality, otherwise the repressed elements will only crop up as a hindrance elsewhere, not just at some unimportant point, but at the very spot where we are most sensitive. If people can be educated to see the shadow-side of their nature clearly, it may be hoped that they will also learn to understand and love their fellow men better. A little less hypocrisy and a little more self-knowledge can only have good results in respect for our neighbor; for we are all too prone to transfer to our fellows the injustice and violence we inflict upon our own natures.[113]
~ Carl Jung, 1966

Hypocrisy and virtuous character/piety are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue - Virtuous Character/Piety.





Ignorance is a lack of information and knowledge, describing a person in the state of being unaware or not even cognitive. Individuals who deliberately neglect or disregard important information, facts, or individuals who are not aware of important information, facts, or truth are in a state of ignorance. The states of ignorance include ‘deep sleep’, ‘sleep’ leading through and into stages of ‘waking’.

A main vital non-material fact is that many are unaware that the ‘raise of the veils’ of ignorance includes the notion of ‘I’ and ‘mine’.

Ignorance is when one is unaware that attaching to desire leads to suffering and is rooted in the aspects of the ego, the 108, or that the elements of ego are separate from the higher self, that higher self may become infected by aspects of the ego.

The knowledge and wisdom that to separate the elements of the ego and the higher self, one needs to relinquish craving and clinging to earthly desires, emotions, senses and aspects of ego.

Not knowing suffering, not knowing the origination of suffering, not knowing the cessation of suffering, not knowing the way of practice leading to the cessation of suffering: This is called ignorance. It leads to action, or constructing activities.[114]
~ Samyutta Nikaya

I write these pages to raise awareness and provide knowledge out of aspects of ignorance.

Ignorance and Knowledge/Wisdom are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue - Knowledge/Wisdom.





Imperiousness is assuming power or authority. Domineering behavior unpleasantly proud, showing that the person expects to be obeyed or intends to impose their will on others. For example: dictatorial actions.

Imperiousness and industriousness are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue – Industriousness.





Imposture is pretending to be someone else, whether in mental preparation or activities. To dishonestly claim to have specialized knowledge and skill. Someone who attempts to deceive by using an assumed name or identity.

Imposture and openness are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue – Openness.





An impudent person is offensively bold, sassy, shameless, rude, and lacking in exercising respect.
The state, disposition, or character of being impudent by conduct or language.

Impudence and respectfulness are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue – Respectfulness.




A trait of being distracted, inconsiderate or thoughtless of others when not paying complete attention to a person or thing. Lack of care or attention given to commitment, such as children or partners.
Inattentiveness and attentiveness are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue – Attentiveness.



Indifference is the trait, demeanor, or act in the absence of feeling, inclination, interest, or enthusiasm in things.
Indifference includes a dismissive view to dangers of a situation or of consequences of your actions, as in acting without thinking first.

Indifference is a state of emotional numbness.

Indifference and hate are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue – Equanimity.





Ingratitude is the act, trait, disposition, or state of being ungrateful.
Not appreciating or valuing what you have or have been given.

From failure or refusal to acknowledge receipt of something from another or lack of appreciation of what has been done or given by someone else in kindness. Unexpressed gratitude is ingratitude!

Ingratitude and gratitude/thankfulness are at opposite ends of a
polarity thread.
Virtue - Gratitude/Thankfulness.





Insatiability is the incapability of being satisfied, satiated, quenched, or appeased, such as an insatiable appetite.
A state of longing with no fulfillment, despite actions to appease.

Insatiability and acceptance are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue - Acceptance.





Insidiousness is an action of thought, words, or deeds in an alluring, subtle, cunning, secretive, or treacherous way to entrap or beguile in a harmful manner to achieve your aims.

Insidiousness and fairness are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue – Fairness.





Intolerance is the unwillingness or refusal to tolerate or respect different or contrary opinions, beliefs, mannerisms, persons of different races, backgrounds, groups, different from your own.
Intolerance includes the dispositions to act or react in specific ways, such as the incapacity or indisposition to bear or endure, accompanied by impatience with annoyances, including intolerance to heat, cold, smell(s), sound(s), taste(s), etc.

Intolerance and tolerance/acceptance are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue - Tolerance/Acceptance.





Intransigence is the trait or behavior of refusing to change one’s opinions, views, wishes, or boundaries to compromise or agree. An unwillingness or stubborn refusal to yield with a resolute adherence to one’s own views, beliefs, ideas, or desires.

Intransigence is the act of being willful and ignoring opposition, or the use of force or violence to oppose someone or press someone or something into your views, beliefs, ideas, or desires.

Intransigence and flexibility are at opposite ends of a polarity
Virtue – Flexibility.



Irresponsibility is the quality, trait, action of not being trustworthy or dependable, or lacking accountability or concern for the consequences of your actions. Irresponsibility is a form of untrustworthiness.

Irresponsibility and trustworthiness, accountability, and responsibility are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue - Trustworthiness = Responsibility/Accountability or Conscientiousness.



Jealousy is a trait, state, disposition, action, or feeling of being possessive and suspicious or being unable to bear the accomplishments or good fortune of others.

Jealousy can either be suspicious, reactive, or of purposeful action.

It is a purposeful action if one seeks to incite jealousy.

Jealousy is a feeling of sorrow, which one entertains at another’s well-being because of a view that your value is, in consequence, lessened. This occurs when a third party (comparator) becomes a perceived threat, whether real or fabricated, to a valued relationship or over relative lack of possessions, status, etc. often accompanied with thoughts or feelings of insecurity, envy, fear, concern, and anger.

A distinction between jealousy and envy: “Envy” and “jealousy” are often used interchangeably, but in correct usage they stand for two different distinct emotions. In
proper usage, jealousy is the fear of losing something that one possesses to another person (a loved one in the prototypical form), while envy is the pain or frustration caused by another person having something that one does not have oneself. Envy typically involves two people, and jealousy typically involves three people.

It is possible to be envious at more than one individual at any given time. Usually envy involves wanting the beauty, wealth, or socioeconomic status of another individual. Envy and jealousy result from different situations and are distinct emotional experiences.[115]
~Richard H. Smith and Sung Hee Kim.


Gerrod Perot tells us that the common experience of jealousy for many people may involve:
- Fear of loss
- Suspicion of or anger about a perceived betrayal
-Low self-esteem and sadness over perceived loss
-Uncertainty and loneliness
-Fear of losing an important person to another
- Distrust.


The experience of envy involves:
- Feelings of inferiority
- Longing
- Resentment of circumstances
- Ill will toward envied person often accompanied by guilt about these feelings
- Motivation to improve
-Desire to possess the attractive rival’s qualities
- Disapproval of feelings. [116, 117]

Jealousy’s distinctive malice comes from the opposition it implies to the virtue of charity.

Jealousy and compersion are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue - Compersion - an empathetic state of happiness and joy experienced when another individual experiences happiness and joy.





Know-it-all is characteristic of spoken or written communication of a person who acts as if they know everything and overwrites or dismisses the ideas, opinions, comments, and/or suggestions of others.

Along this journey, ego will attempt to incite that you think you know it all, which becomes an attachment in itself. This journey is a constant evolution; knowing all would mean to be connected mentally to everything at once. Could you wrap your mind around what that might involve? We are all children in this...

Know-it-all and humility are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue – Humility.



Lack of Comprehension


Comprehension comes from the Latin term comprehensionem, which means ‘a seizing’. When you have comprehension of a subject, you have seized information and incorporated it into your knowledge. Any mental grasping of an idea or a subject is a kind of comprehension.

The lack of comprehension is being unable to grasp what is going on in a situation. In the defilements, it is lack of ‘correct’ or ‘right’ mindfulness or view.

Lack of comprehension and understanding are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue – Understanding.





Lecherousness is to be full of intense sexual desire and to act on it.
To give into excessive indulgence in sexual activity or to be erotically suggestive, tending to arouse sexual desire or interest inciting others to lust. A state of lustfulness where your interest in others is only sexual.

Lecherousness and continency/modesty are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue - Continency/Modesty.





Lust is the passionate desire for identification with certain things in existence, all of which relate to the form, sensation, perception, mentality, and consciousness that certain combinations of these things beget within us. Lust is thus the most immediate root cause of certain suffering and imperfection.

Lust takes on many forms such as lust of the flesh, confused with love (joy), attention, money, fame, power or food and covers the thirst, craving or desire, either physical or mental, for sensual pleasures, craving for existence or non-existence.

Sexual lust is a motivational state of interest for your sexual pleasure, as most often it is a self-gratification project in sexual objects or activities, or as a wish, need or drive to seek out sexual objects to engage in sexual activities.

The passionate desire for either non-existence or for freedom from lust is a common misunderstanding.

For example, the headlong pursuit of lust or defilement to fulfill a desire for death is followed by a reincarnation accompanied by a self-fulfilling karma, resulting in an endless wheel of life, until the right way to live is obtained and regularly practiced.

Beholding an endless knot puts one, symbolically, in the position with the right worldview; thereby representing that person who attains freedom from lust.

There are certain things that give rise to the clinging of lust such as rituals, worldviews, pleasures, and the self. The way to eliminate lust is to learn of its unintended effects and to pursue righteousness toward worldviews, intention, speech, behavior, livelihood, effort, mindfulness and concentration.

Lust and chastity/renunciation are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue - Chastity/Renunciation.





Lying, mendacity or untruthfulness is a statement or action used intentionally for deception or compulsion. The practice of communicating lies is lying. These are defiling untruths that are of spoken word to others or ourselves.

The difference here between lying and deceit or deception is that of a compulsive fabrication.

“Above all, do not lie to yourself. A man who lies to himself and listens to his own lie comes to a point where he does not discern any truth either in himself or anywhere around him, and thus falls into disrespect towards himself and others. Not respecting anyone, he ceases to love, and having no love, he gives himself up to the passions and coarse pleasures, in order to occupy and amuse himself, and in his vices reaches complete bestiality, and it all comes from lying continually to others and to himself.”[118]
~ Fyodor Dostoevsky

Lying and truthfulness/honesty are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue – Truthfulness/Honesty.






Malignancy is the character, quality, or condition in thought, word, or action of being malignant or malevolent. Malign behavior means acting with an extremely hostile disposition with the desire to cause pain and torment. To have evil in influence, intention, or effect, causing harm simply for the satisfaction of it, though it can be as simple as making untrue statements or having and showing an evil disposition.

Malignancy is a characterization of cancer as it digs in and spreads, being dangerous, destructive, invasive and grows with malicious intent. What is true of the malignancy of cancer is also true of the malignancy of the aspects of ego.

Malignancy and benevolence are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue – Benevolence.





Manipulation or being manipulative is the action or trait of manipulating someone in clever or unscrupulous ways or the exercise of undue influence through mental distortion and emotional exploitation (psychological manipulation).
It means changing the behavior or perception of others through abusive, exploitative, devious, deceptive, or underhanded tactics to advance the interests of the manipulator, such as to seize power, control, benefits, and privileges at the victim’s expense.

Manipulation includes victim-playing/self-victimization.

Manipulation and sincerity are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue – Sincerity.





Masochism is the act, trait, or demeanor of deriving pleasure, especially
sexual gratification, via experiencing personal pain or humiliation incurred by self or another.
Masochism and sadism are portmanteaus of the word sadomasochism, both about the enjoyment giving, or receiving of pain, whether consensual or non-consensual acts of sexual violence, aggression, or torture.

Masochism and benevolence are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue – Benevolence.





Mercilessness is an act or trait of having or showing no mercy, being pitiless, ruthless, and displaying cruel disregard. A quality of inhumaneness evidenced by an absence of concern for the welfare of others with an unwillingness to be kind and forgiving or have any compassion or consideration for others.
This is often accompanied by a reluctance to relent.

Being fixed and determined to achieve through whatever cruel means, from a state of extreme heartlessness.

Mercilessness and merciful are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue – Merciful.






Miserliness is an act, trait, or state of being stingy, miserly, or mean in a longing desire and attachment to material gain or respect. When a person does not want to give up any possessions or money and does not want to share them with others or use them, this is miserliness.
It is an over-concern with the material things in life stemming from over-attachment to wealth and honor, and it belongs to passion- lust. Covetousness and greed function as the basis for not letting up in your concern for the material things of life, often accompanied by taking delight in hoarding, clinging to items and objects
that pose no use to the self, and extreme reluctance or refusal to give away or share.
The foulest miserliness is to be stingy or miserly with knowledge, such as the wisdom of cosmic law underlying the right behavior and social order.

Miserliness and generosity are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue – Generosity.






Negativity is the state, trait, demeanor, or act of viewing undesirable situations or outcomes as bad outcomes or a tendency to be downbeat, disagreeable, cynical and skeptical. This often happens when one expresses criticism or pessimism about something and usually expects the worst.

A negative person looks for the bad, making that their focus and reflecting it to others. The negative person often demands their own way, opposing anyone who disagrees with them. They live outside of harmony with the symbiotic nature that ties everything together, fighting the current.

A negative person would engage through speech or action about an unpleasant shift in temperature but would not compliment the pleasant weather and may even attempt to skew the positive to a negative. They would find the sunny day too hot, too dry, too bright.
If negativity arises in the mind, just observe it.

Negativity and positivity are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue - Positivity/Flourishing.






Obsession is the state or act of the compulsive, consistent preoccupation or intrusion of the mind to the point of domination of your thoughts or feelings. A state of being preoccupied, plagued or controlled by your wanted or unwanted emotions, feelings, opinions, ideas, image, person, object, desire, thoughts, others’ thoughts, own words, others’ words, actions, others’ actions, spiritual condition or states of ego.

An irrational motive for performing trivial or repetitive actions, even against your will. An obsession with a particular action which the person uses repeatedly that intrudes into consciousness, even to the point where they try to avoid it, but then end up getting obsessed with avoiding it or doing it in a cyclical pattern.

The fixation of a dominating idea, thought or action, obsession taking over an individual, a persistent disturbing preoccupation regularly accompanied by symptoms of anxiety.

Obsession and indifference are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue – Equanimity.






Obstinance is an act, trait, state, or demeanor of being stubborn or refractory, unreasonably determined to act in a particular way and unwilling to change at all. An inflexible persistence or a stubborn, unyielding attitude that adheres to your opinion, purpose, argument, persuasion, and entreaty despite what anyone else says and even when wrong.

Obstinance and open-mindedness are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue - Open-mindedness.






Oppression is a wrong perpetrated by force through prolonged cruel, malicious or unjust treatment, control or excessive exercise of power such as subjecting others to harsh or unjust impositions, restraints, or adverse conditions.
Oppression can be discrimination when the injustice does not target and may not directly afflict everyone but instead targets a specific person or groups. Oppression can involve the abuse of rule, whereby a dominant group engages in unjust, harsh or cruel activities
that perpetuate an attitude or belief reinforced by society and maintained by a power imbalance.

Morality does not allow for oppression in the name of working for another body, such as working for a government, private organizations, individuals, groups, or any other work in an oppressive manner.

It may involve subjugation by persecution, controlling another person or group, such as denying access to natural human rights, services, benefits, and privileges.

Oppression describes certain patterns of behavior. A person can have strong beliefs in support of social equality and still practice oppression through their actions.

Oppression and liberation are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue - Liberty/Liberation.






Ostentatiousness is an act, trait or demeanor of attracting or seeking to attract attention, admiration or envy by gaudiness or obviousness. It is a grandiose display of wealth, knowledge, money, possessions or power, etc. to make other people pay attention and admire. A lack of elegance by being pompous or vain. Using someone or something to get noticed or draw attention by being overly elaborate, showy, inappropriate or vulgar.


Ostentatiousness and modesty are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue – Modesty.






Pessimism is a mental attitude of hopelessness toward life or existence.
It is a viewpoint that overlooks the good in things, instead harboring the tendency to anticipate, emphasize or see undesirable outcomes and problems. Attachment to believing that the worst will happen in a strictly an anti-optimistic fashion, lacking hope or confidence in the future, often with a vague, generalized opinion that pain and negativity are predominant in the world.

Pessimism and optimism are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue – Optimism.






Prejudice is an act, state, demeanor, or opinion not based on reason, or experience of unfavorable feelings toward a person, people, or group because of their race, gender, beliefs, values, or class. To act from fear of harm or injury as a result.

Prejudice and impartiality are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue – Impartiality.






Presumptuousness is an act, trait, or demeanor of impertinent boldness in thought, word, or action. It oversteps the boundaries of others in arrogance, disrespectfulness, groundless rash confidence, and irreverent boldness, transgressing the boundaries of what is permitted or appropriate.
For example, taking undue liberties or invasion without right, or listening to respond in a conversation rather than listening to understand.
In addition, showing little or no respect for others’ boundaries. To be seen as a rude or smug self-assuming braggart know it-all. To demonstrate a shameless boldness related to haughtiness, arrogance, pride, and forwardness.

Presumptuousness and meekness/modesty are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue - Meekness and Modesty.






Pretense is the action of making claims or assertions derived from dubious motivations, pretending to deceive as an attempt to make something not the case appear true, such as a false display to a right, title, or distinction. Pretending or alleging false action or way of behaving intended to make people believe something untrue by deceiving people.


Pretense and sincerity are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue – Sincerity.







Pride is the attachment to the pleasure or satisfaction derived from your achievements, the achievements of a partner, or of your qualities or possessions. Pride is inordinate self-esteem that becomes conceit.
Pride is identified as corrupt selfishness in putting your desires, wants, urges, and whims before the welfare of other people, animals, plants, and the ecosystem. It can be as simple as attaching to the sense of delight or elation arising from some act or possession, such as the possession of the material body.

In some cases of pride, one may irrationally believe they are inherently better, superior, or more important than others, failing to acknowledge others as well achieved or able to be well achieved. This is often associated with one’s talents, beauty, wealth, and rank in an
excessive admiration of your image of self. Notably forgetting your lack of divinity and refusing to acknowledge or be accountable to your faults or defiling nature as a human being.

Pride is a spiritual cancer in that it is how we defines ourselves as self as individuals, regarding accomplishments and failures. We separate from the whole through pride as it is a separator from anything outside that pride circle, individualizing (self-ish).

Pride is self-exaltation in both good and bad senses.
Some varying types of pride: Ego; Pride of Body; Pride of Excellent Attainment; Pride of Family; Pride of Knowledge; Pride of Power; Pride of Race; Pride of restraint and resolve of willpower over the mind and body’s desires and interests; Pride of Worship; Spiritual Pride.

It is possible to engage in false pride. Pride is a root ‘anti-source’ state, the position in which the ego and the self are directly opposed to Source as pride leads to all other aspects of ego.

The human-machine and energetic body are capable of amazing feats to achieve higher states of awareness with new abilities, but they can be suppressed by pride. Attempts to display to others in a prideful manner, even when unaware that pride is the aspect of ego at work, present a block.

Pride and humility are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue – Humility.

Castles in the Sand
Some children were playing beside a river. They made castles of sand, and each child defended his castle and said, ‘This one is mine.’ They kept their castles separate and would not allow any mistakes about which was whose. When the castles were all finished, one child kicked over someone else’s castle and completely destroyed it. The owner of the castle flew into a rage, pulled the other child’s hair, struck him with his fist and bawled out, ‘He has spoiled my castle! Come along all of you and help me punish him as he deserves.’ The others all came to his help. They beat the child ... Then they went on playing in their sandcastles, each saying, ‘This is mine; no one else may have it. Keep away! Don’t touch my castle!’
But evening came, it was getting dark and they all thought they ought to be going home. No one now cared what became of his castle. One child stamped on his, another pushed his over with both hands. Then they turned away and went back, each to his home.[119]
~ From the Yogacara Bhumi Sutra






Prodigality is spending money or using resources freely and recklessly. Being frivolous with the unwilling to give or share.

Prodigality and frugality/generosity are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue - Frugality/Generosity.

illustration of possesed parents fighting over child. Dark Kingdom 108 Monsters Within



Quarrelsomeness is the act, trait, or disposition of having an aggressive or pugnacious attitude and mood, being argumentative, or taking pleasure in personal verbal combat. An ill-natured readiness or fondness of arguing without good cause and being sharply disagreeable or abrasive.
Quarreling is often an attempt to control someone by fighting them with our words. When we quarrel, we are trying to force another person to agree with us and to make them change by brute disagreeableness.

Not all conflicts are quarrels. Disagreements become quarrels when combative or argumentative.

Quarrelsomeness and cooperativeness are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue – Cooperativeness.


Rage is the expression of intense violent anger that prevails into a loss of self-control, in an increased stage of hostile response. The more intense aspect of rage is fury, where it becomes destructive, verging on madness.

Rage and acceptance/equanimity are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue - Acceptance/Equanimity.






Rapacity is the act, trait or disposition of having or showing a strong wish to take things for ourselves by being aggressively greedy or grasping, usually using unfair methods. To seize by force, plunder, prey, extort, chicane or exact by oppressive injustices. To act with reprehensible acquisitiveness, greed with force.

This includes offering money or inducing another to commit a crime with the specific intent that the person solicited commits the crime while the inducer reaps benefits.

Rapacity and generosity are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue – Generosity.

illustration of a man sitting being mocked and ridiculed by peers with demon on them. 108 Monsters Within



Ridicule is an act, trait, or demeanor of deliberate, often malicious, language or behavior of belittling, insulting, or making light of someone or something. For instance, making another the butt of amusement or mirth that often seeks to conjure feelings of corrosion, deliberate degradation, and even subversion.
It can also be as simple as to laugh, smile, wink, cover the face, clap, or other intentionally exaggerated expressions in contempt, as well as attempting to get others to join in.
To ridicule in literature or arts is satire, parody, etc.

If in the audience to the ridicule of someone, the defiling action may apply to us if we participate through any number of additional cues to indicate actions in support, such as by continuation or elaboration of the mockery, including laughter or explicit agreement.


Ridicule and respectfulness are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue – Respectfulness.





Sadism is to derive enjoyment or pleasure from inflicting pain, making erotic or sexual gratification often dependent on inflicting pain, suffering, torture or humiliation upon others.
Masochism and sadism are portmanteaus of the word Sadomasochism, both about the enjoyment in giving or receiving of pain, whether via consensual or non-consensual acts of sexual violence, aggression or torture.

Sadomasochism is a taste for suffering, thought, word or deed in seeking pain because it is pleasurable or seeking to inflict pain because it is pleasurable. A source of sexual gratification is from the receipt or infliction of physical pain or humiliation, either on another person or on ourselves, the pleasure consisting in being abused and dominated.

To inflict deliberate cruelty either mentally or physically to ourselves, other people, or to animals regardless of whether for sexual gratification or not.

Sadism and benevolence are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue – Benevolence.



Sarcasm is the act, trait, demeanor, or expression of speech or writing that is sharp, bitter, and caustic. This includes cutting jibes or taunts, satirical or ironic, mainly distinguished by inflection and usually directed against an individual in contempt or ridicule. Sarcasm is frequently intended to mock, insult, criticize, or hurt feelings. To give pain by emotionally cutting someone down.

Often, sarcasm is denoted to mean the opposite of what it seems to say in the assertion of a statement disbelieved by the expresser, responded to in contemptuous form, often in attempted humor.

Sarcasm and sincerity are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue – Sincerity.





Scheming is devising and planning to carry out a sly underhanded plot to deceive others for personal gain. Engaging in a concealed plan to accomplish defiling ‘evil’ deeds.
Whether or not these schemes get carried out mentally or physically, they are defiling to the mind, body, and spirit.

Scheming and truthfulness/honesty are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue -Truthfulness/Honesty.





Seducement/seduction is to lead someone astray in any form. Such as to enchant, lure, entice, inveigle, decoy, tempt, flatter, mislead or deceive.
Seduction is often associated with persuading or inducing one into engaging in sexual behavior or engage in a relationship.

Self-love has many powers of seducement; this need not exalt one to identify with the common body of humankind or persuade that any of the benefits bestowed upon ourselves (the physical body) are comparable to any virtue.
Self-love or self-care to enhance your features for the intent of seducement becomes a defiling action.

Seducement/seduction and disenchantment are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue – Disenchantment.






Self-denial is the act, trait, or demeanor of refusal to be true to oneself. The denial of your interests and needs. Avoidance, and holding back of happiness and pleasurable experiences from ourselves that is only damaging to other people. Often led from fears or insecurities
that inhibit one to flourish.
Self-denial in this defiling context is not regarding the self-denial of the ‘desires of the flesh’, ‘the defilements’, as that context of self-denial is virtuous.

Self-denial and flourishing are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue - Balance/ Renunciation.



Self-hatred, self-hate, or self-loathing is an act, trait, state, or demeanor of varying degrees of dislike, anger, prejudice, contempt of ourselves, and keeping ourselves in low self-esteem in a distorted perception of misguided thoughts and self-beliefs, such as believing ourselves to be a loser, failure, or worthless.
Self-hatred is also a lack of belief or support in oneself to accomplish a goal while reinforcing that belief through thought, word, or action. Where we often self-sabotage in a failure to set boundaries, making goals or dreams feel distant and impossible. This further perpetuates a cycle of constant self-critical statements, usually while looking at others and thinking they are getting it right.

Making self-critical statements in an act of self-degradation is self-hatred.

Self-hatred and self-love/flourishing are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue - Self-love/Flourishing.





Sensuousness/voluptuousness is giving in to the gratification of the senses or the indulgence of the physical appetites that arise from consciously provoking sensual desire. Sensually or bodily devoted to indulgences or luxurious pleasures. Having a robust sensory appeal
that one is addicted to.
At the more extreme end of sensuousness lies voluptuousness, which implies more strongly an abandonment of the enlightened self to sensual pleasure.

Sensuousness/voluptuousness and temperance/chastity/restraint are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue - Temperance/Chastity/Restraint.






Lack of shame or lack of conscience is the absence of dread, disgrace, or disgust at physical or verbal misconduct.
Having no shame, guilt, or remorse over something you have done which defies moral and virtuous properties. To show a lack of modesty or sense of decency regarding others’ rights or feelings through non-restraint of yourself by taking others’ or your perversions as your norm. Engaging in non-virtue without inhibition on account of others.

Shamelessness does not withdraw from evil deeds, because it is not ashamed of it and does not abhor defilements be it attachment, aversion, ignorance, avarice, jealousy, conceit, or any other kind of unwholesomeness.

Shamelessness and dignity are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue – Dignity.



Physical sloth or laziness is the act, trait, state, or quality of mental, spiritual, pathological, and physical affectlessness, from unwillingness or indifference to work or use energy. To be idle with disinclination to exertion. A person who demonstrates laziness and procrastination by not being enthusiastic despite having the ability to act or exert themselves.

Sloth and diligence/fortitude are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue – Diligence.





Stubbornness is the act, state, or trait to resist change of any form such as a resistance to change one’s opinions, ideas or desires.
To be persistent in doing something from an attachment or to be overcome when something involves unwanted change, where when challenged, it becomes perceived as a threat. To demonstrate reactionary behavior from an emotional or sensational state rather than being resolute in a virtuous way, in ‘right view’.

Stubbornness and amenability are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue – Amenability.





Tormenting is the act or trait of thought, speech, action or instrument to torture a living being ranging from teasing, acute annoyances, embarrassment, pestering, vexations, harassment by incessant repetition, to causing severe mental or physical suffering of any to extreme distress, extreme pain, anguish, misery or death. The act of physical participation or condoning any war.
Including being your self-tormentor, such as being tormented by doubts, worries, sorrows, etc. When pain is self-inflicted, as is sometimes done for some religious reasons, it is aptly called self-mortification. This is a defilement unless it is with the intent to develop equanimity to sensory or emotional input (dissolving or withdrawal of the senses), rather than seeking it.

Tormentor and Service are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue - To be of Service.





Tyranny is a cruel, vicious, oppressive, unreasonable, or arbitrary use of power or control. It is a misuse of power, such as a boss who makes underlings the victims of their passions and unjust desires in an abuse of those subjected to it. Tyranny is often defined by wickedness, cruelty, and injustice delivered by rulers but this applies to any position of power, legitimate or illegitimate.

Tyranny is the exercise of power beyond right, which nobody can have a right to: this is making use of the power any one has in his hands, not for the good of those who are under it, but for his own private, separate advantage.[120]
~ John Locke

Tyranny and virtuousness are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue - Virtuousness/Leadership.





Unconscientiousness is the trait of being careless, negligent, or neglectful. A willingness to ignore the dictates of conscience as well as a lack of desire to do a task well or with thoroughness, taking obligations to yourself or others lightly or jokingly.

Unconscientious individuals tend to be inefficient and disorderly, exhibiting tendencies of a lack of self-discipline or lack of concern for duties, being generally unreliable with a lack of moral dread.

Self-discipline, although difficult, and not always easy while combating negative emotions, should be a defensive measure. At least we will be able to prevent the advent of negative conduct dominated by negative emotion. That is ‘shila’, or moral ethics.
Once we develop this by familiarizing ourselves with it, along with mindfulness and conscientiousness, eventually that pattern and way of life will become a part of our own life [121]
~ Dalai Lama

Unconscientiousness and conscientiousness are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue – Conscientiousness.






Unkindness is an act, trait, or disposition in thought, word, or action that is ungracious, inconsiderate, harsh, sharp, or unpleasant. This occurs when behavior is lacking in kindness or mercy in disregard for others’ feelings.
Unkindness arises often from animosity, bitterness, or a desire to cause pain for the satisfaction of causing others to suffer. Examples are a rigorous imposition of standards and not repaying kindness with kindness.

Unkindness covers many of the 108 outlined in this chapter and can also be a condition of being emotionless.

Unkindness and kindness are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue – Kindness.






Unruliness/incontinence/acrasia is the act, trait, state, and demeanor to be beset by the earthly passions and defilements. Lacking in restraint and willpower or incapacity for discipline and often connoting waywardness or turbulence of behavior, wherein by reaction rather than purposeful action, one chooses lesser over greater goods.

Incontinence - Those dominated by irrational feelings in its failure to obey knowledge of the good: a case of knowing virtue, but not having habituated it to control passion. [122]
~ Aristotle book VII of the Nicomachean Ethics

Unruliness and continence/discipline are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue - Continence/Discipline.

Breath is the bridge which connects life to consciousness, which
unites your body to your thoughts. Whenever your mind becomes
scattered, use your breath as the means to take hold of your mind
again. [123]
~ Thich Nhat Hanh






Unyielding is the act, trait, state, or quality to be unwavering by never changing your mind, refusing to budge, never giving up, or changing your opinion or chosen course of action despite intuition and moral compass, even if you find errors or flaws in your stance or are found to be wrong. In the defiling aspect of unyielding, this is not to give up the ego-driven earthly desires of the flesh, in a fixed unwavering attachment to the delusion.

Unyielding may also be viewed as a virtue when attributed to developed willpower and resolve to virtuousness, living in perpetual contingency such as a fortitude of faith in unyielding optimism; inspiration; compassion; humility; impartiality; self-control; forgiveness; modesty; goodness; renunciation; dignity.

Unyielding and flexibility are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue – Flexibility.






Vanity is excessive pride or conceit due to any kind of fascination or admiration of your appearance or achievements. Behaving in a way that displays that you have excessive pride, arrogance, or conceit in yourself.
It is joy and rapture associated with attachment because you see excellence in yourself.

What is mada? It is joy and rapture associated with attachment (desire) because one sees as excellences the prospect of a long life and other fragile good things by trusting one’s youth and good health. Its function is to provide a basis for all basic and proximate emotions. [124]
~ Asanga Abhidharma-samuccaya

Mada, in Sanskrit, is a term translated as ‘self-satisfaction’, ‘self-infatuation’ or ‘mental inflation’.

Vanity and humbleness are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue - Humility/Modesty/Humbleness.






Vindictiveness is an attitude preceded by anger, wrath, and indignation, bringing about a strong desire to retaliate or hold resentment against someone, to hold grudges and seek revenge. It means to attach with intention through thought, speech, or action, to cause harm and withhold forgiveness due to a lingering clinging of anger.
Often, this is expressed in not letting go of an obsession from the root of anger into harsh and disturbing thoughts, or via strong words or actions directly aimed to degrade and shame. One inflicts emotional doubt, negativity, or an increase in hostility, violence, or wrath to such extremes as to kill or condone killing.

Vindictiveness and forgiveness are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue – Forgiveness.






Violence is the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, a group or community, resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, maldevelopment or deprivation. Anything done in an injurious or damaging way may be described as violent, even if it was not meant to be.

Condoning violent action is also action, whether in thought, word or deed. Any participation in the act itself such as paying taxes that go toward war is also violence. This participation is your approval, therefore your act.

Examples: War; Killing; Murder; Rape; Breaching; Maiming; Torturing; Injuring; Inflicting sickness and disease.

Five essential factors that must all be fulfilled for an act to be both an act of killing and to be karmically negative:
1) the presence of a living being, human or animal;
2) the knowledge that the being is a living being;
3) the intent to kill;
4) the act of killing by some means;
5) the resulting death.

A superior being does not render evil for evil. This is a maxim one should observe... One should never harm the wicked or the good or even animals meriting death. A noble soul will exercise compassion even toward those who enjoy injuring others or cruel deeds... Who is without fault? [125]
~ Valmiki Ramayana

The act of killing is complex. For it to be considered ethical in any way is predicated upon intent. In ‘defensive postures’ for example, if the primary intention is not to kill but to defend against aggression, then the act of killing in that situation will differ in the negative karmic repercussions than if one kills with intent or is the aggressor.

Violence and peacefulness/nonviolence are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue - Peacefulness/Nonviolence/Abstention from Injury.




Violent Temper


Violent temper is the act, trait, or demeanor that is emotionally short-fused, when a person becomes annoyed or angry very quickly or easily. It can mean causing or intending to cause damage, injury, or death, often involving great force or displaying physical violence which is intense or extreme, especially in emotion.

A violent temper and passivity/nonviolence are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue - Passivity/Nonviolence.





Wrath is the uncontrolled or unleashed anger expressing itself in a desire and action to punish someone, usually from a perceived grievance through vengeance or retribution. Wrath is often accompanied by hate, violence, and injury.
Wrath is persistent, sticking around for extended periods, to the point that it can be carried long after the original person of focus is gone. This wrath could pass down to cherished ones to continue the cycle of wrath via fury.

Vengeance/wrath and temperament are at opposite ends of a polarity thread.
Virtue - Good Temper/Temperament.

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